Monday, June 8, 2009


As this school year closed, a very good friend of mine Aline Hanle, founder of a inspiring method of life purpose coaching called the Catalyst Method, lent her talents to our children's Montessori school. She initatied a concept called the "WishSparks Project" to show the children how we might light up the simplicity of manifesting a reality out of a simple thought. The simple thought would be anything that might make a child anywhere in the world, happier. It did not require money or fundraising - simply the power of truly good intentions.

These are my little ones - they will be 2 and 4 years old this fall.

As I shared the day with my children and realized how quickly they are growing before my eyes, I asked myself what are MY wishes for THEM in this magical time of innocence? If I had not much money, but only my purest intentions for them, what would they be?

These words are for my children. May they read them in a few years when they can actually read, and remember the things they loved and I wished for them.

My babies,

I wish you rainbows
And lollipops of every hue;
I wish you miles of family walks too.

I wish you bubbles to greet you at your door;
And rays of sunshine to keep you warm.

I wish you puzzles with every piece;
And that you still find wonder in the tiniest treat.

May you always have a bed or ball on which to bounce;
And an old laundry basket to hop in and be pushed about.

That you always find the perfect hill down which to run;
And a still lake to pitch rocks on.

I wish you big boxes in which to hide;
An imagination to fill them with treasures inside.

Let there be birds and soaring planes to watch overhead;
Your favorite song on the radio that makes you bop your head.

I wish you a full belly, and a strong, gentle heart;
And that sticks and stones and words not tear you apart.

I wish you laughs from tickled toes;
And blushing smiles that only innocence can know.

I wish you nights of the most restful sleep;
And days that fulfill your innermost dreams.

But most of all, may you always know,
The memory of my hugs and kisses deep within your soul.

With all my love,


P.S. - A huge thanks to Michele Anderson of Pinkletoes Photography in Austin, TX for capturing these amazing images that I will always treasure. And to Aline, for her continuous inspiration.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Carter Threshold of Change Theory

I've been having a lot of change in my life lately - well at least ideas of change, and I realized something. There is a threshold the body and mind can take.

This has led me to dub this post the Carter Threshold of Change Theory.

The universe and individuals are fueled by change and by evolution. If we remain stagnant, we cease to evolve and develop, we die literally and figuratively. If we evolve unnaturally or too rapidly, weird stuff happens - there is threshold, a balance for enabling change.

In my quest for inner fulfillment, I have sought answers and many have been thrust upon me recently. However, I'm finding that today I reached my limit. Just like when you sample a new dessert and take that first bite, and are intrigued, then pleased, then mildly euphoric, then proceed to polish off every last bit of that dessert only to find an hour later you feel sick to your stomach, oversatiated, and even gastrically overwhelmed. Well, that's been my week. I feel like I've taken too much in too fast and now my body and mind are starting to reject it.

If you're one of those superhuman people that have it all together, this post may not apply. But for the rest of us, it got me thinking that it might serve us well to be "grazers" when it comes to change. Just as for most people it works best to eat many small meals throughout the day to experience the optimal health benefits of food, so too might we take this approach with changing our life.

Biting off the whole enchilada might make you puke. Sampling change in smaller bites might ultimately be more in harmony with your system - and more fulfilling in the long run. So have fun with it, and "bon appetit!" (Enjoy the process - enjoy the meal!)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Feeling Yellow

Call me crazy, but I swear I am getting some signs from above. BIG, yellow signs. I've been wearing yellow, bought a big yellow purse (something I would NEVER do), and even got my morning vanilla latte served in a honkin' yellow coffee mug this morning. I have Lance Armstrong on the brain, and lo and behold his whole Livestrong corporation is the poster child for Yellow.

As coincidence may have it (probably no coincidence at all), I met a fascinating mom from James' preschool this week who does some metaphysical work. We met for coffee and had a really cool talk and she told me the concept of chakras and all that jazz.

After I left, I figured what the heck, I wonder, "Is there a yellow chakra and what does it mean?"

So, I e-mailed her and she replied, "It is interesting that you mentioned that because as I was leaving you, I had the feeling I need to tell you about your third chakra."

In a nutshell, here is what my trusty Google research dug up:

From About.Com:
The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the color yellow. This is the area which defines our "self-esteem". The personality that develops during puberty is housed in this chakra....otherwise known as the "EGO". Anyone experiencing dysfunction of the third chakra is having difficulty obtaining or maintaining his/her own "personal power". This intuitive chakra is where we get our "gut instincts" that signal us to do or not to do something. Strong self-esteem is a required for developing intuitive skills.

Prior to this, my new friend told me without knowing about my yellow mood "you need to create from the soul, not the ego - whatever it is you are trying to work on, it's coming from the wrong place."

After thinking about this and getting over my heebie-jeebies, I felt like a little bell went off. So, call me crazy or maybe really the universe is trying to send me a message. Whatever it is, you will see me writing more, doubting myself less, and not caring so much what people think. At 35, am I finally getting some soul?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My love affair with Austin

Woke up in love with Austin. It is a city of rolling hills, and smart people. Bluebonnets dot the roadsides as colorfully as the panhandlers do. It's a place where Texas traditions meet urban youth. Where sophistication is pared down, and where the packaging isn't perfect - but the magic inside is gloriously flawed perfection.

Austin is me. Educated, ethnic, complex, young-at-heart - full of contradiction. Beautiful when it doesn't try too hard. It doesn't have the glamour of New York, the pedigree of Boston or the glitz of LA - yet stands toe to toe all the same. It is cloaked in laid back unpretensiousness, and when it tries to be more than it is, we know it. Austin does not try to impress, and yet it manages to do so all the same.

Austin is mystical to me. The top of Mount Bonnell at sunrise and driving over the Mansfield Dam bridge at sunset are glimpses of the sweet, serene freedom of this town. Where tattoos and cowboy hats comingle, where Mexican food and fine dining in blue jeans aren't at odds. Where moms with bobs and capris buy groceries next to slacker cool, goat-eed writers and musicians. Austin draws the artists, the seekers, the optimists, the mavericks, the good, the bad and the ugly - and that's exactly as it should be.

Austin is home. In more ways than one.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mama's Little Longhorn

Baby Milestone they forgot to put in the baby books...First "Hook Em Horns."
5 1/2 months - does a Longhorn mama proud.

Some other pics I couldn't resist of our sweetie.

Hanging out during our photo session in Elgin. See link
for other images from our day with Miss Michele.

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A Day in the Life of James Carter

Darn, daddy's in Asia again, gotta take out the trash...

get the paper for, why doesn't Avery get chores??!!

Yippee, when the folks are away, the mice will play. Forget naptime, let's go offroading.

Espresso, nah...I think we'll make the special of the day juice boxes,
trust me I don't need the caffeine!
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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ringing in Spring!

It's been a busy Spring - where has March gone? Well, here are a few pics to remember it by. From James' First Soccer Game, visits from the grandparents, enjoying that Austin weather outside with the kids, and a great Easter bash - it's been a great way to ring in the Spring!

Here's our own little "Cupcake Academy." I swear these were the best cupcakes ever and as big as the kiddos heads. Thanks Nani for the great sweets on Easter!

Mary "Ann Potts" cooking away before the Easter/Baptismal Celebration for Avery and Marissa. Move over Rachel Ray! Mary can cook for 50 in 30 minutes!

My hubby John and his business partner Hubert at the Superbowl. They sat next to Kate Hudson. Some guys have all the luck. Their faces are still in disbelief that their wives let them go while we stayed home with the kids :)

Jane of the Jungle Gym and Baby Beckham in the making. James and Mia had too much fun at their first soccer practice. So did we!

Adelita - the baby whisperer.

Ahh...the simple pleasures. Fun with John and kiddos on a beautiful day in Austin. Life doesn't get better than this.

Grandparent Guitar Hero. If only this was videotaped we would be all over You Tube. John and I have not laughed that hard in a while. Nani and Dusty - YOU ROCK!